
Female poop stories in English
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Registriert: 26 Jun 2016, 11:09
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Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

(Wieder eine Geschichte aus toiletstool, diesmal von einer Autorin namens Abbie)

Hi everyone, back again this weekend with an update for you!
Natasha- great stories, it must have been really embarrassing when Jade's boyfriend saw you on the loo, like you say it was lucky you'd just needed a wee! Hope you can post again soon.
Imogen- thanks, I do think skirts are more practical in some ways although I had a few embarrassing moments when it was windy!! It was really bad outside our canteen, it was a real wind trap there for some reason and girls skirts were always blowing up, I must admit that there were a few times when I suddenly realised my pants were showing! It sounded like you were pretty desperate for a wee in your last post, I'm not surprised you dribbled! You ask if I've ever had a full on accident and yes, when I was 15 I completely pooed my pants at a sleepover, one of my friends was taking for ever on the loo and I just couldn't hold it. I was wearing my nightie but luckily had kept my pants on underneath so it could have been worse! The worst that's happened since is being desperate for a wee and spurting into my pants, or my poo poking out and getting bad skidmarks. I know you've totally weed yourself as you posted about that a while ago but I wondered if you'd ever had a poo accident? Looking forward to your next story!
I'm still just about OK constipation-wise but things have definitely gone downhill this last couple of days I'm afraid to say, I've missed a couple of mid morning toilet visits for various reasons and I know when I do that I struggle more the next time I get the chance to go. Yesterday afternoon Lucy and I met up, shes back from uni too this weekend, and she decided to sleep round mine. We went out shopping and caught the bus home, as we were walking back and chatting I noticed Lucy was walking quite stiffly and kept putting her hand on her belly, I was pretty sure she was clenching her bum so I said "Do you need the loo?" and she nodded, biting her bottom lip. A few minutes later she said "Abbie, I'm really bursting, I've been wanting a poo for a while now and I'm starting to get really desperate!"
"You don't have to hold it much longer, we're nearly home" I said as we turned down my road. "I know, but its coming out in my knickers and I can't stop it," she moaned. As we got to the front door I did my best to get it open as fast as possible, by now Lucy was squirming and jiggling around and looking really uncomfortable. As soon as we got inside Lucy dashed upstairs to my ensuite, I followed her and came in to see her pulling down her black leggings and yellow flowery pants and then she sat down heavily on the loo, groaning and sighing with relief. By now I had a tight feeling in my belly and realised I was starting to need a poo as well. Just then Lucy said "I've just noticed theres no loo paper left," and I said "I'll just nip downstairs and get some." I went downstairs, my need was getting stronger and I was having to clench my bum to stop the tip of what felt like a massive log from poking out in my pants. I realised I hadn't had a poo for three days so I knew it would probably be a struggle. I got a new loo roll and gave it to Lucy, I noticed she'd gone a bit pink so I guessed she was having a hard time pushing out her poo, that was confirmed a few seconds later by hearing her make a grunt as she released her breath. "Sorry, I'm a bit constipated, I haven't had a poo for three days," she panted. I sat on the floor, getting more and more desperate by the second and kept on chatting as she strained, I saw that she had a big skidmark in her pants from where her poo had been poking out earlier. "Its my fault," she said between pushes, " I wanted a poo yesterday lunchtime but I was busy so I put it off, when I got back home I didn't have to go any more, I know I should have gone when I got the chance!"
"I know what its like trying to get time to go when your really busy," I said with sympathy, "I've been trying to have a poo every day but these last few days I haven't had time either, so I'm getting constipated again."
"Yeah I know what you mean, I'm pretty much permanently constipated at the moment," panted Lucy. "I really wish I could have a poo more often than every three or four days!"
I saw her doing another big push which luckily was successful as I heard a loud plop and then a sigh of relief. "I'm nearly done, I just need a quick wee," she said, and a stream started to trickle down into the bowl, it didn't last long which was just as well as I was starting to struggle to keep my poo in. As I did my best to suck it back up I was suddenly aware that Lucy was wiping her bottom and that I wouldn't have long to wait. When she was done she kicked her leggings and pants off, she said "I need to change these knickers, I've got some clean ones in my bag," and went over to the basin to wash her hands, I couldn't wait for her to get out of the bathroom so I quickly dropped my jeans and peach coloured pants and sat on the loo, I checked my pants and was embarrassed to find I had a skidmark but then at least Lucy did as well so it wasn't just me! "Sorry, I was desperate to have a poo as well," I said as I relaxed my bum and felt a huge log starting to come out, I knew it was going to take some straining to push it out completely, but I'd just watched Lucy struggling so I didn't feel that awkward as she hadn't exactly had an easy poo. Lucy picked up her clothes and walked back into my bedroom, her bare bum on show as her top was rather short. She unzipped her overnight bag and pulled out some pale green pants which she pulled on before replacing her leggings. She came back to keep me company just as I took a deep breath and bore down hard, I ended up grunting which was a bit embarrassing but Lucy had needed to do the same so it could have been worse! After a few more hard pushes I managed to get my first log out and then I had some smaller pieces to pass which fortunately didn't take as much effort. I finished with a wee as well and then wiped my bottom quickly and then I was done, I flushed the loo and realised I could do with changing my underwear as well, so I did the same as Lucy and took my jeans and pants off before washing my hands. I went back into my room naked from the waist down and went straight to my underwear drawer to get some clean pants, I took out a pink flowery pair which I pulled on before putting my jeans back on. Hope you enjoyed this story, bye for now!!
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Registriert: 22 Mai 2015, 13:47

Re: Verstopfung

Beitrag von Fabi90 »

hattest du nicht mal geschrieben, dass du keine texte mehr kopieren wolltest?!
lunacy Verified
Beiträge: 2006
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Re: Verstopfung

Beitrag von lunacy Verified »

Fabi90 hat geschrieben:hattest du nicht mal geschrieben, dass du keine texte mehr kopieren wolltest?!
Super Fabi, Du hast Recht. Genau das hatte er:


Aber wie wir ja gemerkt haben schreibt der kleine Magier viel wenn der Tag lang ist...

Am besten wird wohl für uns alle ab sofort die folgende Einstellung sein: "Don't feed the trolls!"
Viele Grüße von
lunacy 8-)
Beiträge: 1322
Registriert: 26 Jun 2016, 11:09
Wohnort: München
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Re: Verstopfung

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

Fabi90 hat geschrieben:hattest du nicht mal geschrieben, dass du keine texte mehr kopieren wolltest?!
Jein. Ich dachte, das sei "gefährlich".

Dann aber dachte ich, ich läge falsch.

Falls es doch verboten ist, werde ich sofort aufhören, keine Sorge.
Beiträge: 1322
Registriert: 26 Jun 2016, 11:09
Wohnort: München
Danksagung erhalten: 2 Mal

Re: Verstopfung

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

lunacy hat geschrieben:
Fabi90 hat geschrieben:hattest du nicht mal geschrieben, dass du keine texte mehr kopieren wolltest?!
Super Fabi, Du hast Recht. Genau das hatte er:


Aber wie wir ja gemerkt haben schreibt der kleine Magier viel wenn der Tag lang ist...

Am besten wird wohl für uns alle ab sofort die folgende Einstellung sein: "Don't feed the trolls!"
Ganz ehrlich, können wir nicht das Kriegsbeil begraben? :roll:
lunacy Verified
Beiträge: 2006
Registriert: 24 Aug 2015, 15:49
Wohnort: Niedersachsen
Hat sich bedankt: 70 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 33 Mal

Re: Verstopfung

Beitrag von lunacy Verified »

Glaube mir, das Kriegsbeil habe ich noch gar nicht in die Hand genommen...

Hör einfach auf mit deinen dusseligen und nervigen Spamereien und vor allem mit diesem scheinheiligen "oh sorry, ich tu es aber auch ganz bestimmt nicht wieder... wenn es euch stört hör ich natürlich sofort auf."

Viele Grüße von
lunacy 8-)
Beiträge: 1322
Registriert: 26 Jun 2016, 11:09
Wohnort: München
Danksagung erhalten: 2 Mal

Re: Verstopfung

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

lunacy hat geschrieben:Glaube mir, das Kriegsbeil habe ich noch gar nicht in die Hand genommen...

Hör einfach auf mit deinen dusseligen und nervigen Spamereien und vor allem mit diesem scheinheiligen "oh sorry, ich tu es aber auch ganz bestimmt nicht wieder... wenn es euch stört hör ich natürlich sofort auf."

Jetzt weiß ich nicht was ich antworten soll... :?
lunacy Verified
Beiträge: 2006
Registriert: 24 Aug 2015, 15:49
Wohnort: Niedersachsen
Hat sich bedankt: 70 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 33 Mal

Re: Verstopfung

Beitrag von lunacy Verified »

Mission completed. Das hab ich erwartet... :lol:

So, und dies war mein letzter Kommentar diesbezüglich. Jetzt aber in Echt... ;-)
Viele Grüße von
lunacy 8-)
Beiträge: 1322
Registriert: 26 Jun 2016, 11:09
Wohnort: München
Danksagung erhalten: 2 Mal

Re: Verstopfung

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

lunacy hat geschrieben:Mission completed. Das hab ich erwartet... :lol:

So, und dies war mein letzter Kommentar diesbezüglich. Jetzt aber in Echt... ;-)
Ich werte diesen Kommentar mal als zweideutig ;) :D

Wie auch immer, ist jetzt hoffentlich alles beim alten... kommt drauf an wie :D :lol: :mrgreen:

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