Eine weitere toiletstool-Geschichte aus den 90ern

Female poop stories in English
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Eine weitere toiletstool-Geschichte aus den 90ern

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

Von einem Nutzer, der sich schlicht und einfach "N" nannte.

My girlfriend Sue and I like to go hiking and camping together. Sue has gotten where she's not really shy about peeing in front of me or me in front of her for that matter. It's really no big deal. Usually though we have both sought a bit of privacy for taking dumps.

One evening after setting up the tent, I took the shovel and toilet paper and went off to take care of business. We'd been eating well and although I was feeling a growing urge to go I knew that it might take a while. I found a comfortable spot behind some bushes, dug a small cathole and squatted comfortably.

As I was sitting there, just beginning to squeeze out my dump I heard Sue call me. I answered, "I'm over here in the bathroom!" I heard her moving my way as she said, "oh good! I need the toilet paper and shovel too, do you mind if I join you?" Barely hesitating (and only out of surprise), "No, of course I don't mind" I said. That was the first time we dumped together, she came and dug a small hole and yanked down her shorts and immediately dropped out several small soft logs as I watched and she sighed with relief. I did manage to finish before her though and wiped. I then teasingly asked if she would like me to wipe her now. Amazingly, she said yes! I know from the sex that followed that the experience excited us both. :)

Neither of us are into playing with or eating feces but have discovered that we do enjoy watching each other and sometimes helping each other wipe. We were camping for a few days that time and had several other spectating experiences. The other main one that stuc in my memory was the next morning.

Again, I had gone to dig a hole and was just getting ready to use it when Sue came dashing from the tent, "Are you in a hurry? Do you mind if I go first?" wearing only her tshirt. Of course, I merely stepped out of the way and she squatted and immediately began to release a soft piling shit, ending with several squirts of diarrhea and then a long stream of yellow acrid morning piss. I'm not sure if she had intended me to watch that time or not but it all happened so fast and I was there anyway. I kissed her softly, asked if she felt better and began to dig a new hole for myself as she wiped herself clean.

She must not have felt too bad because she came over and started kissing and caressing me as I finished my morning toilet and then we both went skinny dipping in the nearby pool and enjoyed a fresh invigorating morning session of lovemaking.

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