Neueste Geschichte auf toiletstool einer gewissen Nina

Female poop stories in English
Beiträge: 1322
Registriert: 26 Jun 2016, 11:09
Wohnort: München
Danksagung erhalten: 2 Mal

Neueste Geschichte auf toiletstool einer gewissen Nina

Beitrag von TheMagician97 »

Blake - I liked your story when you had to poop in the toilet outside. As a child, I often went to the toilet, which was located on the street, it was a simple wooden toilet. I grew up in the countryside and these toilets were very common. These are ordinary rural toilets with a hole in the floor, which never had toilet paper, only sometimes you could find scraps of newspapers. In the warm season, I preferred to poop or pee in the bushes, instead of these toilets. On walks with other girls, we never returned home to use the toilet when needed. We relieved ourselves in the bushes or in abandoned houses or gardens. At the same time, we most often did not wipe.

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